
中资公司反向并购推手遭遇逆流Reversing Course On China

助中国公司赴美融资的罗仕证券有限公司(Roth Capital Partners)已将其中国办事机构大幅瘦身。因为一连串公司会计丑闻的发生,投资者不再看好罗仕推销的那些交易。

罗仕证券总部位于加利福尼亚州新港滩市,是一家小型专业投资银行。据该公司说,2003年以来,它已为中国客户融资逾31亿美元。据知情人士说,罗仕关闭了中国内地的办事处,十几名员工大多被遣散。该公司位于上海嘉华中心(K. Wah Centre)31层的办公室似乎空无一人,大门被一张塑料纸遮住。



在罗仕撤退之前,Rodman & Renshaw Capital Group和Piper Jaffray Cos.也离开了曾被视为投行海外扩张之关键的中国市场。三家公司都曾积极帮助中国公司到美国举行首次公开募股(IPO)活动。罗仕和Rodman & Renshaw还争相帮助中国公司进行反向并购。反向并购是一种借壳进入证券市场的方式,涉及将一家公司同一家不活跃的上市壳公司合并。



凯威莱德律师事务所(Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft)驻香港及北京合伙人李大成(Rocky Lee)说,很多投资者已对赴美上市中国公司的财务披露和公司结构丧失信心,这是没有更多活动的最终原因。凯威莱德的业务包括为外国机构投资者做中国资产的尽职调查。

数十家通过反向并购在美上市的中国企业都受到了有关会计操作违规和公司治理存在问题的指控,促使审计师辞职和公司摘牌退市。美国多家证券交易所收紧了通过反向并购上市的标准,而美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission,简称SEC)则说,正在调查这类交易的“守门员”,包括律师、银行家和会计师。

北京大学光华管理学院教授吉利斯(Paul Gillis)说,投行在华纷纷缩减业务,因为投资者对在美上市中国企业的兴趣很快回暖的可能性较低。


众所周知,罗仕证券常常举办奢华的投资者活动,活动中不乏有黑眼豆豆(Black-Eyed Peas)和比利•爱多尔(Billy Idol)这样的演艺名人亮相。对罗仕证券来说,成立有五年的上海办事处的关闭可能意味着一个时代的终结。去年,这家投行还自称是“专注于为在美上市中国企业提供资金的最投入的美国投行之一”。在鼎盛时期,罗仕证券在中国有20多名员工,由该公司首席驻华代表马峻带领。该投行在上海和加州纽波特比奇(Newport Beach)举办常常座无虚席的大会,将中国企业的高管带到美国去与投资者见面。罗仕证券去年在一份新闻稿中说,该公司中国研究团队由11名分析师组成,研究内容包括60多家在美上市中国企业。
Roth Capital Partners, which helps Chinese companies tap the U.S. capital markets, has sharply scaled back its China operation after a string of corporate-accounting scandals soured investors on the kinds of deals it promoted.

Newport Beach, Calif.- based Roth Capital, a boutique investment bank that says it has raised more than $3.1 billion in financing for China-based clients since 2003, recently closed its China office and dismissed the bulk of the roughly dozen employees who worked there, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation. The firm's office on the 31st floor of Shanghai's K. Wah Centre skyscraper appears to be empty, with a sheet of plastic covering the door.

Roth Capital continues to pursue China investment-banking business, maintaining a service office in Hong Kong and employing a few workers on the mainland, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter.

Roth Capital declined to comment.

The retreat follows moves by Rodman & Renshaw Capital Group and Piper Jaffray Cos. away from a market once seen as key to investment banks' overseas ambitions. All three firms were active in bringing China-based companies to the U.S. through initial public offerings. Roth Capital and Rodman & Renshaw also competed to help companies with reverse mergers, a back-door route to the securities markets that involves combining a firm with an inactive, publicly traded shell business.

Such deals tend to be cheaper and involve less regulatory oversight than an IPO.

Last year, Chinese reverse mergers on U.S. exchanges totaled $74 million, a fraction of their high of $1.34 billion in 2008, according to data provider Dealogic. Meanwhile, U.S. IPOs by Chinese issuers fell more than two thirds between 2007 and 2011, from $6.87 billion to $2.07 billion.

Many investors have lost confidence in U.S.-listed Chinese companies' financial disclosures and corporate structures, said Rocky Lee, a Hong Kong- and Beijing-based partner at the law firm Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft, which does due diligence on Chinese assets for foreign institutional investors. 'This is the ultimate reason why there's not more activity.'

2011年11月,Rodman & Renshaw首席财务长霍林(David Horin)对分析师说,鉴于当时的市场状况,该公司去年关闭了中国企业研究部门,并暂停了中国投资大会。该公司今年6月更名为Direct Markets Holdings Corp.。该公司没有回复记者的置评请求。

与此同时,Piper Jaffray发言人说,今年9月该公司从很大程度上关闭了香港和上海业务,这两块业务有85名员工。该公司仍在香港保留了一小块跨境并购业务。

该公司首席执行长达夫(Andrew Duff)今年7月对分析师说,该公司将退出这块业务(包括为中国企业IPO担任承销商),以便降低整体风险并改善财务状况。
