
The National Congress commences

THE MONTHS LEADING leading up to today’s opening of the Chinese Communist Party’s 18th National Congress have been filled with uncertainty, anticipation and suspense. Moreover, at November 8th, this year’s Congress arrived at an unusually late date.
But the 2,270 delegates who gathered for the meeting in Beijing’s imposing Great Hall of the People were asked to wait just one moment-of-silence longer before getting down to business. This was so that heads might be bowed and respects paid to some dear, departed Communist leaders of the past. These included Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping. Verily, they are gone but not forgotten.
The opening session of the Congress highlighted another important fact about elite-level Chinese politics and those past leaders who are still alive and kicking. They have not been forgotten either, and indeed they are not really even gone. Appearing at the dais with the outgoing party chief, Hu Jintao, the incoming chief, Xi Jinping, and other top leaders of the present tense, was an all-star cast of political characters from decades past.
To this old baseball fan, it felt a lot like watching Old Timer’s Day at Yankee Stadium. Mr Hu’s predecessor, Jiang Zemin, was there occupying a centre seat of honour. Nearby was a former premier, Zhu Rongji, a former vice-president, Zeng Qinghong, as well as such old heavy hitters as Li Ruihuan, Li Lanqing and Deng Xiaoping’s son, Deng Pufang.
Attending also—in a Mao suit—was the 95-year-old Song Ping, a revolutionary leader who left the Politburo Standing Committee in 1992 but spent his Thursday morning following along with the printed text as Mr Hu delivered his swan-song speech. Mr Song would have been hearing very little that was new to his ears.
Speaking for more than 90 minutes, Mr Hu laid out a familiar account of the challenges facing China, and of the party’s plans for addressing them. He spoke especially sharply about the danger of corruption, warning that it could cause the collapse of the party and the fall of the state. But this was not new either. It was already old hat more than 12 years ago, when both Mr Jiang and Mr Zhu were prone to speak in equally apocalyptic terms about corruption.
Perhaps to liven things up, Mr Hu added some applause lines about China’s resolute determination to assert its maritime interests. This Congress comes at a time when the country is embroiled in multiple maritime disputes with its neighbours.
Meanwhile, with the homage paid to Mao’s cohort and the presence of all those elders, the party’s leaders sought to send two distinct but related messages. The first was that, despite the breathtaking changes that have taken place in Chinese society and economic life, and its sharp turn away from Maoism, collectivism and state-planned orthodoxy, the party wants to be able to assert a degree of continuity with the nation’s founding principles. To do this, Mr Hu’s speech traced a web of convoluted lines that wound back from his own theoretical musings about “Scientific Development” to Mr Jiang’s version of the same (about something called “the Three Represents”; don’t ask). From there the thread runs further back still, through Deng Xiaoping Theory to Mao Zedong Thought, and then all the way to Lenin and Marx. So there you have it: dizzying policy reversals notwithstanding, the party offers consistency, continuity and stability.
At a time when political scandals and signs of high-level infighting have been plain for all to see, the presence of the elders was likewise meant to project a sense of unity, continuity and stability. On the surface, it may have done that. But behind the scenes the old-timers appear to be doing as much to stoke the infighting as to cool it, as accounts here and here suggest.
If nothing else, their cameos offered a rare chance to see how they’ve been getting on. Mr Zhu stood out for his contrarian reluctance to dye his hair jet-black, as most Chinese politicians do. Mr Jiang looked surprisingly well, considering he suffered a serious health crisis early this year. Discreet sources are saying that he made an excellent recovery and even manages a vigorous swim most days. Thursday he managed to walk on his own, to and from his seat. Standing as other leaders entered the chamber, Mr Jiang cheerfully waved away Mr Hu’s suggestion that he take a seat.
Li Peng, best remembered as the hardline premier during the crackdown around Tiananmen Square in 1989, was seated next to Li Ruihuan, and together they seemed far more interested than anyone else in the text of Mr Hu’s speech. Most others followed the remarks as they were delivered (and took part in a traditional, simultaneous turning of pages, which always creates a wonderful swooshing sound in the Great Hall’s cavernous meeting space). But the Messrs Li flipped frontwards and backwards constantly through their copies, leaning down, poring over the text, and looking as if they might have been seeing it for the first time.
