
中国的“影子刺激”Examining China's 'Shadow Stimulus'



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中国的信托公司管理着超过1万亿美元的资产,是中国影子银行系统的主要支柱。据上周五发布的数据,今年头九个月,信托公司为基建项目提供了价值人民币7,550.5亿元的新资金。中国国际金融有限公司(China International Capital Corp.)数据显示,负责为全国多数基建项目融资的地方政府融资平台通过发行债券,另外还融资人民币7,158.7亿元。




分析师说,在地方政府最新一轮的基础设施扩建行动中,银行没有发挥主要融资来源的作用,不仅如此,还有一部分通过信托公司和债券发行筹集的资金被用来偿还以往的银行贷款。很难估计这部分资金到底有多少,但麦格理证券(MacQuarie Securities)调查地方政府融资平台8月份发行的50只债券发现,40%的资金将被用于偿还贷款和补充运营资金,而运营资金又可用于付息。

中国银行董事长肖钢在10月12日出版的官媒《中国日报》(China Daily)上撰写专栏文章说,正是影子银行活动使得很多项目能够拿到新的资金,从而避免违约。他说,在部分借款人偿付能力减弱的情况下,正规银行系统总体不良贷款率依然在下降,而这可能正是背后的主要原因之一。










China's shadow banking sector has gradually moved from the periphery of the economy to become an almost indispensible driver of growth. Not that long ago, the shadows were where small firms got the cash no one else would give them. Later, when China moved to rein in real estate speculation, the shadow banks proved the be lifeblood of property developers who were cut off almost overnight from bank credit.

And now, we have the shadow stimulus.

According to data issued Friday, China's trust companies the main pillar of China's shadow banking system with more than $1 trillion under management provided 755.05 billion yuan worth of new funding to infrastructure projects over the course of the first nine months of the year (here in Chinese). Local government financing vehicles which are responsible for funding most of the country's infrastructure construction raised a further 715.87 billion yuan from bond issuance, according to China International Capital Corp.

The rise of non-bank funding sources has been vital to keeping growth ticking over in the midst of an economic slowdown.

But is it a good idea?

The trend marks a distinct transfer of risk from the state (in the form of bank lending) to private investors, and comes at a time when local government finances are in a very bad shape. That's a bad thing.

Analysts say that not only have the banks stepped back from taking the primary role in funding local governments' latest round of infrastructure expansion, but that a portion of funds raised from trusts and bonds has gone toward repaying older bank loans. It's hard to estimate just how much, but a survey by MacQuarie Securities of 50 bonds issued by local government financing vehicles in August found that 40% of the funds raised were to be used for repaying loans and replenishing working capital, which can be used to cover interest expenses.

'It is shadow banking activities that have allowed many projects to obtain fresh funds and hence avoid default,' Xiao Gang, chairman of Bank of China Ltd. wrote in a column published in the state-run China Daily newspaper on Oct. 12. 'This could be one of the major reasons why the formal banking system in general is still enjoying declining non-performing loan ratios, despite the weakening repayment capabilities of some borrowers.'

Banks haven't completely abdicated their responsibilities. Their lending to local government financing vehicles on the rise, albeit not at the pace of bonds or trusts. China Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman Shang Fulin said Wednesday that outstanding bank loans to the financing vehicles were 9.25 trillion yuan at end of September. Business newspaper China Business News earlier reported outstanding loans stood at 9.1 trillion yuan at the end of September 2011.

Typically the bond market wouldn't be classified as being part of a country's shadow financial infrastructure, and particularly not in China where the market is dominated by state banks and insurance companies. However, analysts and bankers say a large portion of bank holdings of enterprise bonds -- a bond category dominated by local government financing vehicle issuance -- could actually have been bought using funds raised from wealth management products.

Banks sell wealth management products to their customers as a low-risk, high-return alternative to simply depositing money in a bank. Given that banks disclose very little about how they invest the products, it's difficult to say just how much is ending up in local government debt. However, a large chunk goes into the bond market - about half of all wealth management product prospectuses say the funds will be invested in bonds and money market products - and given the high returns on enterprise bonds, analysts say they are an easy way banks can boost the return they offer customers.

Also, mutual funds have ploughed into the market this year, holding 21% of all enterprise bonds at the end of September, up from 14% at the end of 2011, according to the central bank-backed China Central Depository & Clearing Co., signaling a further shift in infrastructure funding into private hands. Banks hold 32% of enterprise bonds.

On the face of it a more active bond market and more diverse investment opportunities for Chinese savers is a good thing. And at a press conference Sunday night People's Bank of China Gov. Zhou Xiaochuan pointed out that the size of China's shadow banking sector is much smaller than the Western equivalent that precipitated the global financial crisis.

But the lingering problem is that no one really knows where the buck stops.

Bank customers buy wealth management products with the expectation the bank will pick up the tap if something goes wrong. Meanwhile, the country's banking regulator says that the buyers of wealth management products, despite what they might think, bear the risk of their purchase. Investors are enthusiastic about local government bonds and trust products because they assume that lower level government debt is implicitly backed by higher levels of government. Local government officials aren't too fussed as long as they can keep rolling over the debt until they have departed office and it becomes the next guy's problem. And the state banks are trying to minimize their exposure by having private funding sources foot the bill for what has in the past been their responsibility.

Even if we decide that all this speculation is just parlor games and that a government bailout is inevitable if things go south, what is not inevitable is the fate of private investors. Will the bailout come in time, or will investors be waiting months - or years - for their money? Will investors have to take a haircut? Are all companies set up as investment vehicles by local governments entitled to the same official support, or have some investors backed the wrong horse?

The edifice isn't about to come tumbling down. But one of the nice things about having banks fund the local governments is that the banks can be leaned upon to suck up any bad debts and help the governments through the hard times. On the other hand, Chinese investors who feel wronged have a long history of protesting outside of government buildings and taking to the courts. Let's hope China's debt problems stay financial and not political.
