Seeing the wood
Saving trees is one of the best ways of saving the environment
Aug 23rd 2014 | From the print edition
1 “FORESTS are the lungs of our land,” said Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Twenty years ago, the world’s lungs were diseased. Brazil, the country with more tropical trees than any other, was cutting down an area of forest two-thirds the size of Belgium every year. Roughly half of all the planet’s once-luxuriant tropical forests had been felled and the further degradation of the Earth’s green spaces seemed inevitable.
富兰克林.德拉诺.罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)说过:“森林是大地之肺。”20年前,世界之肺染上了疾病。巴西是世界上热带雨林最多的国家,当时它每年砍伐的雨林面积相当于比利时国土面积的2/3。地球上曾经茂密的热带雨林近一半被砍伐,地球绿地的进一步退化似乎无可避免。
2 It would be too much to say that forests have made a full recovery. Worldwide, over 5m hectares of jungle—getting on for two Belgiums—are still being felled or burned down each year. In some countries, notably Indonesia, the chainsaws are growing louder. But the crisis is passing and the prognosis is starting to improve. Fears that the great forests of the Congo would be cleared have proved unfounded so far. Brazil and Mexico have reduced their deforestation rates by well over two-thirds. India and Costa Rica have done more than reduce the rate of loss: they are replanting areas that were once clear-cut.
3 Over time countries trace a “forest transition curve”. They start in poverty with the land covered in trees. As they get richer, they fell the forest and the curve plummets until it reaches a low point when people decide to protect whatever they have left. Then the curve rises as reforestation begins. At almost every point along the line, countries are now doing better: deforesters are chopping down less; reforesters are replanting more.
4 This matters to everyone, including rich countries in temperate zones, because of the extraordinary contribution that tropical forests make to mitigating carbon emissions. Trees are carbon sinks. If you fell and burn them, you release carbon into the atmosphere. If you let them grow, they squirrel carbon away in their trunks for centuries. Despite decades of destruction, tropical forests are still absorbing about a fifth of emissions from fossil fuels each year.
5 Encouraging countries to plant trees (or discouraging them from logging) is by far the most effective way of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. If Brazil had kept on felling trees as rapidly as it was cutting them down in 2005, it would, by 2013, have put an extra 3.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. That means that over those eight years it managed to save six times as much carbon as ultra-green Germany did in the same period through one of the world’s most expensive renewable-energy regimes. As a way of helping the environment, protecting trees is hard to beat. It is in everyone’s interest to find out which forest policies work—and back them.
The law in the jungle
6 As well as cleaner air, forests provide all sorts of benefits, such as clean water downstream. Alas, everyone is happy to enjoy the benefits but few are willing to pay for them (see article). So the most effective forest policies are usually top-down bans, such as on farming or logging.
7 Prohibitions by themselves, though, are not enough. Tropical forests tend to be remote places where the writ of the law does not run. But Brazil shows that bans can be made to stick if there is political support at the top and popular backing from below (the policies started to bite when President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva took charge of them), and if there is an institutional network to back them up. In Brazil’s case, that meant everything from satellites to show the public what was happening in the Amazon to moratoriums on purchases of soyabeans and beef produced on cleared land.
不过禁令本身尚不足够,热带雨林所在地往往是法令无法触及的偏远地区。但是巴西的经验表明,如果上有政策支持、下有民众赞同(政策在总统Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva掌管后开始起效)、另有机构网络辅助,人民就会遵守禁令。巴西的情况就是全面行动,从告知民众亚马逊现状的卫星监控到暂停购买禁地生产的大豆和牛肉的规定,一应俱全。
8 Only forested countries themselves can provide leadership from the top. But outsiders can help. They could finance, say, new land registries. And they should fund an all-purpose UN programme to improve forest management in tropical countries called REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation).
9 Rich countries spend billions on renewable energy at home, which has so far cut carbon emissions only a bit. They should be willing to spend a few millions abroad, protecting tropical forests that reduce emissions a lot.
remark: 它们还应该资助意在提高热带国家森林管控状况的万能联合国项目——该项目名为“减少滥伐树木和森林退化造成的排放”(简称REDD)。富国在国内耗资数十亿用于可再生能源以减少碳排放量,目前为止收效甚微。它们应该会愿意在国外花费几百万,以保护能够大大削减排放量的热带雨林。
富兰克林.德拉诺.罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)说过:“森林是大地之肺。”20年前,世界之肺染上了疾病。巴西是世界上热带雨林最多的国家,当时它每年砍伐的雨林面积相当于比利时国土面积的2/3。地球上曾经茂密的热带雨林近一半被砍伐,地球绿地的进一步退化似乎无可避免