1. 先將日本醋加入飯中攪勻至有黏性。 2. 將青瓜切條。 3. 然後把飯平均鋪在紫菜上,再在上面加上醃蘿蔔、青瓜及蟹柳,捲起並切成每段3/4吋厚即可。 Sushi (健康壽司)
Ingredients : | rice 2 bowls rice vinegar 2 tbsp pickled radish 6 pcs cucumber 1/2 pc crab stick 6 pcs seaweed 6 sheets
Method : | 1.Stir together rice and sushi vinegar until sticky. 2.Shred cucumber. 3.Spread rice evenly on each sheet of seaweed. Arrange some of the radish, cucumber shred and crab stick on the rice. Roll up the seaweed tightly and cut each roll into 3/4-inch-thick slices. |
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