
The cheating side 骗人的一面

The cheating side骗人的一面
Jul 7th 2012 | from the print edition

Cephalopods—tentacled molluscs such as octopus, squid and cuttlefish—are reckoned by many zoologists to be the most intelligent of invertebrates. If intelligence includes the ability to deceive, then further evidence of that proposition has just been published by Culum Brown and his colleagues at the University of Sydney, in Biology Letters. Most species of cephalopod are covered in cells called chromatophores which allow them to change colour at will. Cephalopods use this ability both for disguise and for signalling to others of their kind. Dr Brown, however, has found that Sepia plangon, a species of cuttlefish, has gone a step further. Some males, when courting, display their courtship signals on only one side of their bodies, that which is facing the object of their desire. The other side actually mimics a female, thus throwing potential rivals off the scent.

头足类动物——拥有触角的软体动物如章鱼、鱿鱼、墨鱼——被许多动物学家认为是世界上最聪明的无脊椎动物。如果智力包含了欺骗能力的话,那么悉尼大学的古伦•布朗与其同事在《生物学快报》中提供的证据便能进一步证明它们是聪明的。大多数的头足类动物浑身都覆盖着一种叫色素细胞的细胞,这些细胞能使它们根据自己的意愿改变身体的颜色。头足类动物会利用这种能力来伪装自己或向同伴发出信号。但是布朗博士发现,其中一种叫Sepia plangon的墨鱼还会用这种能力干别的事。一些雄性墨鱼在求爱时会用面对雌性墨鱼的那一侧身体发出求爱信号,而另一侧则模仿雌性墨鱼的身体图案,以此来避免其他雄性墨鱼的竞争。

