

加坡金融管理局(Monetary Authority of Singapore)局长孟文能周三警告称,面对外资大量流入,亚洲经济体依然非常脆弱,本地监管机构必须准备好采取审慎措施管理不断增加的外资流入。







韩国企划财政部副部长Choi Jong-ku在首尔表示,韩国正在筹划一系列新举措来抑制资金流入,包括对外汇交易征税等。此前韩国已经采取了各种审慎措施强化金融系统监管,如设置银行外汇远期头寸上限等。


Templeton Asset Management Ltd.联席首席执行长兼投资组合经理Dennis Lim表示,亚洲地区央行实施进一步举措限制资金流入的可能性构成很大风险。



泰国财政部长吉迪拉•纳•拉农(Kittiratt Na-Ranong)周三表示,泰国无意对外资流入征税或加以限制。但他说,泰国官员对泰铢过快升值感到担忧。



J.P. Morgan Asset Management的全球策略师Geoff Lewis表示,投资者可以接受存款利率设置上限或资金流入限制措施。他们不喜欢的是资金受到禁锢。


Martin Vaughan
Asian central banks are wary of large inflows of foreign capital

MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore) Secretary MAINWIN able Wednesday warned that, in the face of foreign capital inflows, the Asian economies are still very fragile and local regulatory agencies must be ready to take prudent measures to manage the increasing inflow of foreign capital. Korea, a senior finance officials had announced previously proposed measures to curb speculative capital inflows more details, saying regulators are considering a number of foreign exchange and bond trading tax. The move highlights the Asian governments on a new round of capital into emerging market tide concerns. Because the United States, Europe and Japan's central bank kept its ultra-loose monetary policy, investors have to look for higher returns in parts of Asia, these regions because of relatively strong economic growth and maintain a high level of interest rates. While capital inflows contribute to economic growth, but some people worry that if foreign capital inflows to disturb the market, or a rapid withdrawal of foreign investment in these areas would be adversely affected. These officials also hinted speech, Asian countries continue to seek neither scare off foreign investors but also to strengthen protection measures, many countries have set up a rapid capital inflows can weaken the impact of regulatory measures in the buffer. Meng Wen also noted that Asian central banks should continue to allow the currency appreciation to reduce the inflow of foreign capital to increase inflationary pressures. But he also said that the currency appreciation alone can not completely eliminate the low global interest rates and the impact of foreign capital inflows. Indeed, the strong and sustained appreciation of the currency may actually attract more capital inflows. MAINWIN can say, Asian central banks should take more initiatives to prevent asset bubbles, such as tightening or through taxation to combat speculation.

Deputy Minister of Planning Korea Choi Jong-ku said in Seoul, South Korea is planning a series of new initiatives to curb capital inflows, including foreign exchange transactions tax and so on. Prior to South Korea has taken various measures to strengthen prudential supervision of financial systems, such as setting the ceiling on bank foreign exchange forward positions. Choi did not elaborate, but he said tax plan should help curb hot money flowing into the local currency market. He said that in speculative derivatives regulation, the South Korean government to consider NDF positions implementation of more stringent requirements. Templeton Asset Management Ltd. Co-Chief Executive Officer and portfolio manager Dennis Lim said the region's central bank to implement further initiatives to limit the possibility of capital inflows pose a great risk. Lim said that many Asian countries are studying how the necessary capital inflows under the circumstances set obstacles. Lim pointed out that any form of liquidity settings will hinder or limit negative impact, because it would undermine investors react quickly to changes in market conditions ability. Lim where the global emerging markets team manages $ 53 billion in assets. Asian countries foreign capital inflow will bring risks, including currency appreciation, which may wish to maintain export competitiveness of the country is a vexing problem. Thai Finance Minister Ji Dila • Carolina • Ranong (Kittiratt Na-Ranong) said on Wednesday that Thailand does not intend to foreign capital inflow taxes or be limited. But he said the rapid appreciation of the Thai baht officials worried. In Singapore, foreign investment has become a rising real estate prices push the main driving force. This makes local buyers are very upset, and prompted the government to implement a series of real estate market in this month cooling measures, such as increased foreign buyers and local residents to buy two suites of stamp duty. Investors said that, as of now, the initiatives taken by central banks in Asia are also foreign capital inflows in order to manage, rather than blocked. They said that, unless there is an Asian country restrictions on foreign outflows, otherwise there is nothing really to worry about. JP Morgan Asset Management's global strategist Geoff Lewis said that investors can accept a cap on deposit interest rates or capital inflow restrictions. They do not like is the money being imprisoned.Lewis said there was no such case. Asian central banks should be more cautious. Martin Vaughan
